Sunday, 17 March 2013

Mill Street Barracks: Mar 13

Mystique Promotions Presents...

               Mill Street Barracks (T.S Simitar)

Saturday 18th March 2013 had finally arrived and it was time for the Mystique Promotions team to fully investigate Mill street Barracks situated in a very Victorian area of St. Helens in Merseryside.
On arriving at this large purpose-built building that was erected in 1861 for the recruitment and training of the British armed forces up until the late 1960's, is now used as the base of the St. Helens Sea Cadets. The energies  that were felt on entry were very foreboding. I knew from that instant the team was up for a very active night of spooky shenanigans.

The crew got to work familiarising themselves with the location and the completion of the usual health and safety risk assessments. Drawing up the fire evacuation plans, conducting base tests, setting up of trigger objects, divination and seance areas all prior to the arrival of our valued ghost hunting guests.
Time had soon arrived to open the doors to our guests for an evening of ghostly entertainment.  All in attendance hoped to lay witness to the myriad of reported entities that supposedly dwell in the many darkened rooms, corridors and cellars. would we get to meet them? 
The Mill Street Barracks has had so much reported activity, including sightings of...  
  • A man with no legs who glides the corridors
  • A three legged dog that wants to play
  • Spirits of  previous recruits and staff
  • The malevolent spirit of a man in a Cellar
  • The spirits of playful Children hiding in the cellar

The evening started off at 8:30pm with a lovely pagan workshop of "magic candles" conducted by company founder Lorraine Mills. All who wished to take part were given all the tools and equipment and were free to ask questions throughout as they gained an interesting incite into a pagan ritual. For those who did not wish to take part, they were taken on a mini vigil with crew member Martin.

Following the workshop the group sat in a circle and prepared themselves for the upcoming investigation by saying prayer, opening our chakras and building white light protection by following an easy-to-follow guided meditation given by myself.

We all made our way into the darkened cellar guided by Spiritualist Medium Dave Lawson. Dave picked up on the energies of two little girls who he felt had hidden down here during one of the world wars. We collected some very sporadic EMF (electronic magnetic field) fluctuations that reacted to controlled questioning and we even experienced a bright flash and dark shadows from corners of the cellar. Table tipping was then commenced and after a slow start we started to get some gentle rocking. Crew members Adele and Martin led the way taking us back to our childhood by singing childhood nursery rhymes, with this the table really took off. Under Dave Lawson's instructions to spirit the table twisted, rocked and walked to locations of his request. All who took part, some of who were on their first investigation. were left in no doubt that the table was under full control of spirit. It was also noted that a bell, which was hanging from a beam in the cellar, was found to be gently swinging, seemingly on it's own accord.
The group broke up for refreshments of hot drinks with a finger buffet where we all discussed the activity we had received so far.

We all "headed" up to mezzanine level within the main hall where Medium Dave picked up on the energies of a Spirit who was found to be very disrespectful towards the females in the group. Through Dave spirit requested obscenities to be relayed which obviously Dave did not. We got some distinctive lighting of the K2 EMF as confirmation to Dave's channelled information. Once again we had ago at table tipping whilst playing 1940's music on Dave's request. With this we found that the table rocked in time with the music as if seemingly "dancing" and kept wanting to lean and fall.

Psychic Mediums  Lorraine and Samantha both picked up on the emergence of two male energies on the mezzanine and the names Anthony and James came with them. With these Spirits we witnessed controlled taps in what sounded like Morse code, subtle spiritual mimicking to melodic whistling and icy blasts were felt by many members simultaneously.
Dave reported that spirit chose Martin to stand up and Dave mentally asked spirit to push Martin in certain directions unknowingly to him. Dave gesticulated to the group in a way so that Martin could not see the direction he had asked spirit to push him in, but we could. Sure enough Martin tipped the predicted direction every time. Dave also asked Martin questions about the spirit, who amazingly challenged answers to Martin and In amazement Martin gave the answers that Dave and Lorraine had secretly disclosed out of Martins ear-shot. beforehand.
It was then back down stairs for tea and coffee before we all split into three groups each with one walkie-talkie radio.
One Group headed down to a room in the cellar. Another Group moved up onto the second floor into now unused living quarters and myself with another group, remained in main hall.
I can not give any accounts as to what happened in the cellar or living quarters as I was not there, but we had some interesting activity in the hall. First off we had no response with glass divination as a mixed sex group so we tried it with an all female group. The glass suddenly started to move and turned out to be a loved one who wished to communicate to a member of the group. With the greatest of respect we asked this spirit to move away.  everyone was given a chance of using crystal pendulums and dowsing rods whilst Lorraine and crew member Becky asked questions. Even though two crystal pendulums were being used at the same time both gave identical answers to the yes/no questions asked. even those which Lorraine asked in her head. Whistling was also heard and we even got luck in getting whistled responses. we also had our eyes quite drawn to a dark shadowed corner where Lorraine informed us a Tea Lady has been reported to of been seen a few times.
The time was now 3:30am and we all re-grouped to share experiences. On this It was time for myself to depart regrettably before the end. But if anyone else experienced any additional activity or wishes to comment. I would love to hear all about it.

I'm very pleased to announce that Lorraine Mills our has also re-booked this very active location for a later date this year. I can honestly say that this is a venue "not to be missed" so look out for more details on the link below when they are published.
Chris Chell.
Paranormal Investigator.